Rice Kheer Recipe

Rice pudding kheer
  • Buy locally grown organic ingredients, if possible

    • 1/4 cup white rice (preferably locally grown and organic), rinsed and soaked for 15 minutes

    • 4 cups whole milk

    • 1/4 tsp. whole green cardamom, freshly ground

    • 3-4 strands saffron

    • Rock sugar (mishri) or raw sugar, adjusted to taste

    • Slivered pistachio or almonds, for garnishing (optional)

    1. Rice, being neutral and slightly cooling, is excellent for pacifying Pitta and Vata doshas. When cooked with whole milk, it becomes even more nurturing, particularly beneficial for Vata individuals.

    2. Milk and rice, both considered Sattvic in nature, promote clarity and purity of the mind. They nurture the consciousness and bring about a sense of calm.

  • Due to the inherent richness and sweetness of the kheer, those with a predominant Kapha dosha might want to consume it in moderation to prevent any potential imbalance.

    For individuals with lactose intolerance or sensitivity to dairy, care should be taken. One might consider alternative milk substitutes that align with Ayurvedic principles.

Recipe Serves 3-4


  1. Begin by pouring the milk into a medium pot, allowing it to gradually come to a boil.

  2. Introduce the soaked and drained rice to the bubbling milk. Gently simmer this union on low heat. The goal is to have the rice tenderly cooked and the milk lovingly reduced to about half its initial volume. Be vigilant, stirring regularly to prevent any scorching at the bottom.

  3. When the rice has reached its desired softness, sprinkle in the freshly ground cardamom, the radiant strands of saffron, and your choice of sweetener. Allow this blend to simmer for another 1-2 minutes, ensuring the sugar has dissolved and the flavors have melded.

  4. Pour the kheer into individual serving bowls and garnish with almonds or pistachios. Whether you indulge immediately while it's still warm, or later after it's cooled, each spoonful promises a taste of Ayurvedic wisdom and delight.


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