Couscous Recipe

  • Buy locally grown organic ingredients, if possible

    • 3/4 cup plain couscous

    • 1 cup room temperature water

    • 3/4 cup chopped vegetables (bell peppers, zucchini and cucumbers)

    • 1/4 cup olives & artichokes, chopped

    • 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped

    • 1 Tablespoon olive oil, unrefined

    • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

    • Rock salt (saindhav salt) & pepper to taste

  • Couscous, a staple in many Mediterranean and North African cuisines, finds its unique place within the Ayurvedic dietary spectrum. While not native to the Indian subcontinent, from an Ayurvedic perspective, its qualities and effects on the body can still be discerned. The inherent warm quality of couscous is beneficial for Vata types, combating coldness and dryness. When paired with digestive stimulants like lemon and certain vegetables, couscous can be easily digestible and light on the stomach.

  • Due to its carbohydrate content and slightly heavy nature, overconsumption may not be ideal for Kapha dominant individuals or during Kapha-aggravating seasons.

Recipe Serves 2-4


  1. In a medium saucepan, allow water to reach a bubbling boil. As it does, add the couscous, taking the saucepan off the heat. Seal it with a lid, giving the couscous time to absorb the water and soften, approximately 5 minutes. Very gently, separate the grains using a fork.

  2. In a spacious mixing bowl, add chopped bell peppers, zucchini, and cucumbers with the rich taste of olives and artichokes. Optional: Elevate this dish further by integrating green onions, a hint of garlic, or a sprinkle of dried oregano.

  3. Fold in the fluffed couscous, ensuring an even mix. Add the aromatic basil leaves, the zest of lemon juice, and the nourishing touch of unrefined olive oil. Season with rock salt and pepper as per your doshic requirements.


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