Vanilla Bean Milkshake Recipe

vanilla bean milkshake
  • Buy locally grown organic ingredients, if possible

    • 1 cup whole milk, preferably warm

    • 1/4 fresh vanilla bean

    • Rock sugar (mishri) or raw turbinado sugar to taste

  • Warm milk is grounding, helping to balance Vata's cold and airy tendencies. The sweet aroma of vanilla adds a cooling touch, beneficial for fiery Pitta.

  • Milk should not be mixed or consumed with certain foods, like pulses, meat, fruits, salt and more, as this can create incompatible combination (viruddha ahara), which creates lots of toxins.

Recipe Serves 1


  1. Delicately split the vanilla bean, unveiling the aromatic seeds within. Do save the pod for its many other culinary uses after completely drying and adding adding it to your sugar jar, it can add a nice fragrance.

  2. With care, mix warm milk, the vanilla seeds, and the raw sugar into a blender, churning until smooth. Drink immediately.


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