Indian Snake Gourd Recipe (Patola)

Snake Gourd
  • Buy locally grown organic ingredients, if possible

    • 2 tsp organic homemade ghee

    • A pinch of asafoetida (hing)

    • 1/4 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)

    • 4-5 optional curry leaves

    • 1 tsp crushed ginger

    • 2 medium Indian snake gourds (patola), prepped

    • Spice mix: turmeric, freshly ground coriander (optional), and red chili as desired

    • Rock salt (saindhav) for seasoning

    • Chopped cilantro for a fresh finish

  • Renowned for its bitter taste, it functions as an effective cleanser for the body, efficiently flushing out toxins. It is primarily tridoshic, harmonizing Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Besides aiding digestion, Patola cools and purifies the blood, making it an excellent ally during the warm season.

  • Despite its multiple benefits, those with severe weakness or extreme weight loss should consume it in moderation as its light and dry nature might not be suitable for all. Also, those who have cold tendencies should ensure they balance its cooling effects with warming spices.

  • β€’ Look for firm snake gourds, without soft spots or wrinkling.

    β€’ Bright green, unblemished skin indicates freshness.

    β€’ Avoid those with yellowing, as it indicates aging.

Recipe Serves 3-4


  1. Prepare Patola by washing, trimming ends, and dicing.

  2. In a pot, melt ghee. Toss in asafoetida, cumin, curry leaves, and ginger. Keep sautΓ©ing gently.

  3. Introduce diced Patola and seasoning spices. Cook until they soften, occasionally stirring.

  4. Adjust with chili and salt. Let it blend for a couple of minutes. Garnish with cilantro just before serving warm.


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