Indian Bottle Gourd Recipe (Gheeya/ Lauki)

Indian Bottle Gourd
  • Buy locally grown organic ingredients, if possible

    • 2 tsp organic homemade ghee

    • A pinch of asafoetida (hing)

    • 1/4 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)

    • 4-5 optional curry leaves

    • 1 tsp crushed ginger

    • 1 medium Indian bottle gourds (gheeya), prepped

    • Spice mix: turmeric, freshly ground coriander, and red chili as desired

    • Rock salt (saindhav) for seasoning

    • Chopped cilantro for a fresh finish

  • Renowned as a natural coolant, it exudes qualities that are deeply refreshing and beneficial, especially during scorching summers. With its sweet taste and cooling properties, Gheeya is adept at pacifying both Pitta and Vata doshas. It offers immense hydration, supports the digestive fire without causing excessive heat, and is known for its revitalizing essence.

  • While Gheeya is beneficial for many, individuals with severe Kapha imbalances might need to consume it in moderation or combine it with spices that counteract its cooling effect. Its natural diuretic properties mean that those with frequent urination issues should be cautious.

  • β€’ Fresh Gheeya boasts a smooth, pale green exterior without any blemishes or yellow patches.

    β€’ Avoid gourds with blemishes, cuts, or sunken areas.

    β€’ Press lightly; it should yield slightly but bounce back.

    β€’ Opt for medium-sized gourds. The very large ones may have hard seeds and a bitter taste.

Recipe Serves 3-4


  1. Prepare gheeya/ lauki by washing, trimming ends, and dicing.

  2. In a pot, melt ghee. Toss in asafoetida, cumin, curry leaves, and ginger. Keep sautΓ©ing gently.

  3. Introduce diced Tinda and seasoning spices. Cook until they soften, occasionally stirring.

  4. Ensure moisture by adding a bit of water if required. Aim for a tender texture.

  5. Adjust with chili and salt. Let it blend for a couple of minutes. Garnish with cilantro just before serving warm.


Indian Snake Gourd Recipe (Patola)


Indian Round Gourd Recipe (Tinda)