Cracked Wheat Dalia Recipe

Cracked wheat
  • Buy locally grown organic ingredients, if possible

    • 1 cup cracked whole-wheat, roasted

    • 2 cups room temperature water

    • 1/2 Tablespoon homemade organic ghee

    • 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)

    • 1 cup chopped vegetables (onions, carrots, bell pepper, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans)

    • 1/4 teaspoon ginger paste

    • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

    • Rock salt (saindhav salt) to taste

    • Cilantro for garnish, chopped

  • 1. Its cooling properties make cracked wheat an excellent choice for balancing the fiery Pitta dosha, making it ideal for those with an overheated constitution.

    2. Rich in vital nutrients and energy, cracked wheat serves as an excellent source of sustained energy, ensuring you remain active and vitalized throughout the day.

    3. Cracked wheat, due to its purity, is considered Sattvic. This quality promotes clarity, calmness, and balance in the mind, making it a perfect grain for those seeking mental harmony.

  • Always ensure that the cracked wheat is well-cooked, as undercooked grains can be hard to digest and may lead to digestive discomfort. Those with a predominant Kapha dosha might need to consume cracked wheat in moderation or balance it with spices that counteract its moist and cool nature.

Recipe Serves 2-3


  1. In a sauté pan, combine the roasted cracked wheat with water. Cover and simmer on low heat for 8-10 minutes. Once done, turn off the heat and retain the cover.

  2. In another pan, melt the ghee. Upon warming, sprinkle in the cumin seeds and let them splutter. Subsequently, introduce the chopped vegetables, sautéing them for 8-10 minutes. Mix in the ginger paste and turmeric powder, cooking for an additional 2 minutes.

  3. Transfer the cooked cracked wheat into the pan with the sautéed vegetables. Sprinkle in the rock salt according to your palate. Blend the mixture well and let it simmer, partially covered, for 4-5 minutes on low heat.

  4. Conclude the cooking and switch off the flame. Garnish your delightful dish with fresh cilantro and serve piping hot.

    Dive deep into the wisdom of Ayurveda with this nourishing cracked wheat dish and allow the holistic goodness of the grain to permeate through your being. Perfect for those seeking a meal that's both health-promoting and brimming with authentic Indian flavors.

Recipe inspired by Devi Bansal


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